Our Programs

We are excited about helping more people to regain and maintain their health through diet and lifestyle change, and to learn how to make better choices about medical care.

Programs Designed To Help Everyone

Health Professional Training Overview

We have the best and most comprehensive programs that address these issues, and we want to make our programming available to more people. We know that the best way to do this is through associates who can educate, inspire, and support our members.

Our training program is comprehensive and will teach you everything you need to know in order to start a health education business. You do not need any previous training to qualify. If you are currently practicing healthy habits (or are ready to start), are willing to lead by example, have an outgoing personality, a strong work ethic, a desire to learn new things and are motivated to help other people, you are a candidate for one of our programs.

For more information and to schedule an interview, email pampopper@msn.com

The Diet and Lifestyle Intervention Course

The Diet and Lifestyle Intervention Course is designed to teach health and fitness professionals the relationship between diet and lifestyle habits and health outcomes; to expose students to professionals who are successfully using diet and lifestyle in health care delivery, and to teach specific and effective protocols for practice.

The course is taught through virtual classroom, or interactive conference call.  Prior to each call, participants are instructed to read the texts and are emailed the instructor’s slides and materials.  The call is interactive and the participants can ask questions at any time.  

Upon completion of the course, the healthcare provider will be able to:

Critically evaluate published research in order to make better recommendations to patients about diet and health

Better communicate with patients about the importance of diet and lifestyle when making treatment decisions, and engage the patient in more active decision-making

Prescribe specific diet and lifestyle interventions for patients with chronic degenerative diseases, and assist those patients in reducing or eliminating medications where appropriate

Develop relationships with providers who can assist in patient care outside of the provider’s practice specialty or scope of practice

Establish a profitable practice using diet and lifestyle as the primary intervention tools

You do not have to be a practitioner to take this course; laypersons are welcome too!

The Nutrition Educator Diploma Program

The Nutrition Educator Diploma Program is for individuals seeking a career in a nutrition-related field and who want an alternative to traditional dietetics. This program requires that students complete basic science courses that are more rigorous than those required for many undergraduate nutrition degrees; includes courses that combine nutritional science with strategies for assisting clients in achieving and maintaining optimal health and effective approaches for common degenerative conditions; includes many classes designed to teach practical skills needed for gainful employment; and concludes with 200 hours of practical experience during which a candidate must demonstrate his/her ability to work effectively in the nutrition education field. 

Program Objectives:

  • Provide candidates with a rigorous science-based education in nutrition
  • Teach students how to teach and incorporate dietary interventions for the prevention, treatment or reversal of common diseases
  • Teach practical skills for making a living in the nutrition field
  • Ensure that students understand public policy issues that affect nutrition and public health
  • Ensure that students understand how to work within their scope of practice, based on their state of residence

The Certified Health Educator Program

    You will learn:

    • How to read and interpret published studies and other health information in order to guide evidence-based decisions regarding health
    • How to use a comprehensive, whole person approach to improving health outcomes for your clients/patients
    • How to operate a collaborative and education-based health-related practice
    • How to develop a profitable and sustainable business/practice

    Educational requirements (descriptions on following pages):

    • Become annual plan member of Wellness Forum Health

    Complete test booklets for InforMED™ Health 101 and 201

    • Successfully complete the following certification courses:
      • Forming and Maintaining Optimal Habits
      • Causes and Treatment for Autism
      • Allergies and Asthma
      • Cancer 101
      • Igniting the Curiosity Gene: Research and Writing

    Understanding Psychological Disorders

    • Successfully complete The Diet and Lifestyle Intervention course (offered through The Wellness Forum Institute)
    • Participate in a Professional Mentoring course
    • Complete Advanced Business Training for Health Professionals
    • Work with your own clients and operate your business with the assistance from staff – minimum 20 clients

    Competency evaluated as each educational requirement above is completed. You can enroll/start at any time.


    • Ability to use Certified Health Educator title
    • Access to WFH informational data bases for use in your practice/business
    • Option to earn commissions on memberships, educational programs, products and other services offered through Wellness Forum Health

    Ongoing requirements;

    • Maintain professional membership or above to Wellness Forum Health
    • Take one class offered through WFH or the Institute during each calendar year

    Tuition: $5435; prepay for the entire program and save: $499

    Professional Mentoring and Development

    Curriculum Outline

    Twelve 2-hour classes

    Format: Virtual Classroom (interactive teleconference)

    In addition to the curricula described below, each class will include practical experience in the form of patient/client analysis, review, and development of intervention/action plan. Class participants can submit their own questions/issues, and patients/clients. Samples will also be provided by the instructor.

    Topics/skills include:

    • Developing intake forms
    • How to organize your schedule
    • Dealing with family and friends
    • Intro to patient/client analysis
    • How to make constructive and targeted recommendations
    • Motivational interviewing – the most important questions to ask
    • Mutual goal setting
    • How to collaborate with patients/clients and conduct informed discussions
    • How to develop realistic plans for health improvement
    • Identification of barriers to success and how to overcome them
    • Reviewing food journals and offering actionable suggestions
    • Follow-up schedules and health maintenance
    • How to promote personal responsibility
    • Facilitating informed discussions between patients/clients and their prescribers
    • Informed decision making for cancer patients
    • Addressing the non-compliant patient/client
    • Addressing overweight/obesity
    • The role of sleep, exercise, stress, and other lifestyle factors in health improvement and maintenance
    • Constructive and responsible use of dietary and herbal supplements and other adjuvants
    • Prebiotics and Probiotics
    • Collaboration with other health professionals, assembling a team

    Tuition: $1500

    Advanced Business Training for Health Professionals

    Get the skills you need to succeed!

    This class series consists of 9 live and interactive sessions; after each class you will be given assignments to complete.

    During this class series you will learn how to:

    • Make money helping others to improve their health
    • Write a business plan with a directory of services and prices
    • Develop excellent communication skills
    • Develop and deliver effective seminars that generate new clients/patients
    • Market yourself and your business in your community
    • Plan and promote events
    • Plan and teach cooking classes and other educational programs
    • Develop effective educational materials
    • Develop basic sales skills

    If you don’t know where to start, are stuck, working too hard for too little, or just need some accountability to get things done, this class is for you.  All classes will be recorded for those who miss sessions.

    Tuition $995

    Supervised Practice

    Offered as part of the Certified Health Educator Program, you will operate your business with our assistance. Our staff will be available to answer questions, assist you in making strategic decisions about your business, and help with some of your more challenging clients.

    Tuition: $1200

    The Food Over Medicine Coaching Program

    Here are just a few of the benefits you will gain by taking this course:

    • You will learn accurate, evidence-based information about how to improve personal health
    • You will have knowledge and skills to help others to improve their health
    • You will learn basic business skills
    • We will help you to develop prospects and to build your health coaching business
    • You can teach the course yourself, or use our online and live programs for your clients too

    Course Outline:

    • Food Over Medicine Basic Online Course
    • Women’s Health online course
    • Men’s Health online course
    • Children’s Health online course
    • Basic Membership to Wellness Forum Health  (includes InforMED™ Health 101, 201)
    • Live and interactive teleconference classes to teach you
    • Coaching skills
      • How to engage the community and promote community health programs
      • Business Training and Communication Skills
      • Meal planning, shopping, food prep
      • Presentation Skills
      • Designing and Teaching Successful Cooking Classes
      • How to Manage Doctors and Healthcare Providers

    What you can do upon completing this course:

    • Offer workshops to increase awareness about the relationship between diet and health
    • Teach the Food Over Medicine course
    • Develop and teach cooking classes
    • Assist people in improving their health with information, assistance with diet change, and one-on-one or group coaching
    • Become an active participant in community efforts such as improving school food, or starting a wellness program at your church
    • Start a Food Over Medicine Chapter in your area with our help! (see next page)

    Offered through combination of online and teleconference classes

    Tuition: $1495

    Food Over Medicine Chapters

    Benefits of being a chapter leader:

    • Be identified as associate of Wellness Forum Health and Dr. Pam Popper
    • Participate in “free membership program” and other marketing programs offered by WFH
    • Option to place your clients/members into our classes – we teach your people for you
    • Represent WFH at health fairs and festivals
    • Earn income from WFH membership sales, FOM and other courses offered by WFH, and WFH products
    • Participate in programs offered through The Wellness Forum Foundation
    • Ongoing training and support to help you build your business

    Requirements for being a chapter leader:

    • Remain a member in good standing at Wellness Forum Health
    • Complete the Food Over Medicine Coaching Program
    • Actively promote and hold at least 6 chapter meetings per year
    • Actively promote WFH membership, programs, products – at least 2 events per year

    Requirement for membership in a chapter:

    • WFH member in good standing
    • At least one of these activities every year:
      • Make a $100 donation (or more) to the Wellness Forum Foundation
      • Bring 1 new member into the FOM chapter
      • Participate in offering at least one WFH activity (cooking class, film screening, workshop, InforMED™ 101 course) to economically disadvantaged group

    Operating a Chapter is Profitable In addition to membership, program, and product sales, you can charge for cooking classes, pantry clean-outs, the Food Over Medicine Consumer Course, and special events. We recommend that you have member and non-member pricing for your paid events in order to incentivize people to commit to a longer-term relationship with you/us